Google Adverts - Cost Comparison

Cost-Per-Click (CPC) is important because it determines the financial success of your PPC marketing campaign.

Google Adverts - Cost Comparison

Average Gran Fondo Guide CPM Cost

0.99 cents

Average Gran Fondo Guide CPC Cost

40 cents



Average Google Ads CPM Sports

1.46 cents

Average Google Ads CPC Cost Sports

63 cents

In 2020 Gran Fondo Guide out performed Google adverts by a factor of 2.1 on (CPC) cost per click thru costs, however that doesn’t include the overheads of professional PPC campaign setup and monitoring. This includes keyword targeting and and competitor research which needs to be professionally managed.

Gran Fondo Guide outperforms Google adverts cost wise and is 100% of your target market, plus it excludes the additional expenses and overheads of a professional PPC campaign. Campaign monitoring can be done through our real-time analytics dashboard.

Average CPC cost

Industry standard measure, the average “cost-per-click”, across the whole of the Gran Fondo Guide

Average CPM cost

Industry standard measure, the average cost for “displaying 1,000 impressions”, across the whole of Gran Fondo Guide

Return on your Investment

CPC is important because it determines the financial success of your PPC campaigns!

However, your ROI is determined by how much you’re paying for clicks. And by the quality you’re getting for that investment.

So you want to identify and target clicks that are both inexpensive and valuable, then consider Gran Fondo Guide!